Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Santa Maria della Rose

Above, the Alpha, below, Omega

It's known as "MARIA" and it is an exhibition of sacred sculptural artwork of the Italian artist Guido Dettoni della Grazia.  The work is a permanent exhibition, stunningly installed in the 16th Century Church of Santa Maria delle Rose on a quiet street in the upper section of Assisi.

The installation is based upon hand-sized sculptures, a total of thirty-three (for each year in the life of Jesus), encased individually in lighted glass cylinders that hang from a round steel frame. The tiny sculptures, each made from a different of the Earth's woods, are planted in soil. Overhead one sees in the frame the letter "A" representing "Alpha" and below, the form of "O" for "Omega".

Adjacent to the circular exhibit is a large marble sculpture, beautiful in its simplicity and breathtaking in its elegance. Inside the circle, on a table, lie several white marble sculptures, intended to be picked up and held by visitors.  A guide encourages this and carefully explains that each depicts the life of Mary as it is manipulated in the hand.  With grace and reverence, she demonstrates, using her own hand, how the sculpture fits into the palm.  We are invited to be fully involved by touching, smelling the fragrance of the trees of Mallorca, looking closely and feeling the shape and its subtle changes that evoke the feeling that we have a uniquely meaningful life in our own hands if only for a few moments.
Different angles allow one to distinguish significant moments in the life of Mary. Genuflecting, carrying the pitcher to the well, pregnant with her child, Jesus, Mother and child, and finally, seen from a horizontal perspective, she becomes the Dove of Peace.

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