Thursday, November 28, 2019

Felice Ringraziemento

It's Thanksgiving day.

We sat here at noon, having a snack - with a glass of wine of course, listening to church bells ringing from our neighbor-cathedral, San Rufino.

We had already been up for quite a while and had taken not one, but two major walks.

Our first walk was one that we had been planning for a while but, as our days here are drawing to a close, one that we knew we had to do today lest we go home with a regret. So, before seven, we suited up and grabbed our hiking poles.  It was sunrise at the Rocca Maggiore or bust!  No rain but not a morning with much promise of a sunny sunrise.  We're somewhat intrepid, not easily discouraged, and often just plain ready for an adventure.  Up an endless ancient staircase and then up a long and steep paved road, we trekked together in the quiet stillness of an Assisi morning.  The air is so clean here.  The sounds of morning are few, but for an occasional rooster and perhaps the first of a daily series of church bells. Then, there's the little putt-putts coming from the tiny vehicles known as "apee's".  Joe says they're basically a tiny auto body built around a lawnmower.  I might add here, that there is a constant and somewhat annoying noise that comes from the rubbish collectors.  They are up and on the job very early every single morning and while I have grown accustomed to their noise, I still get quite startled by the sound of empty glass containers being dumped into their tiny trucks  That goes on all day for some reason. Maybe it has to do with the consumption of wine?

After spending a while up at the Rocca and capturing the serene beauty of the approaching day, we went back down and to our little caffe for a good cappuccino and a cornetto to share.  Joe now prefers macciato but I am still a devoted fan of a good, rich cappuch to really start my day.  We had not brought any money with us so we joked with the barrista about him holding me hostage while Joe went to get his wallet.  "Sei il mio ostaggio" "You are my hostage". And then, the return of "Supereroe" Joe.  No translation necessary.

Our next stop was the good and reliable supermarcato, "Tigre".  It's only about a half mile away and it's small and easy for us.  We needed a few more items and of course, this being a holiday, we needed a bottle of prosecco.  And a bottle of white wine.  I carry the wine bottles in my backpack so the walk home is a bit easier.  We also picked up a few items which I know are not easily available at home and are lightweight and okay to pack.  Next stop was a bit of people-watching at the Commune.

The Piazza del Commune is the central square here in Assisi.  It's the one that we watch, like addicts, on YouTube almost every morning from our home on the Cape.  Assisi Live Webcam.  We're a bit nutty but it works to keep us connected.  Here, it's LIVE!  And we love watching the comings and goings, especially now when the Christmas decorations are starting to evolve. It will take days but the tree will be constructed and on December the 8th, all will be lit for the first time.  Unlike in the States, the Christmas season is short and does not start until December.  Sadly, we will leave Italy before the 8th. We will watch the progress from home next week.

We came back to the apartment for our lovely lunch of hamburgers.  They simply don't taste as well at home.  Here, the beef is different.  No additives, no preservatives, just nicely fed cows and very nice beef.  We did kind of joke about our lunch versus that we might be having on the Cape today  We also reminded ourselves about the fact that we .are in the land of pilgrims, here in Assisi.  Just a different type perhaps.  For centuries, spiritual pilgrims have journeyed to this very location.  No turkeys and corn bread, but real pilgrims!  And so, we are in the appropriate place at the appropriate time. And, to celebrate our good fortune, we decided another visit to the spa was in order.  What good pilgrim can't use a massage and a few hours of steaming, soaking, and enjoying Spa Nun Assisi?

I had one very lovely massage.  It was only twenty five minutes long, but it was very darned good.
In a post from last year, I described Spa Nun Assisi in great detail.  It's referred to as a "Museum" which just happens to be a spa because its foundation just happens to be the ruins of a Roman Bath that was part of an ancient community.  It is absolutely gorgeous.  I have been several times and this afternoon was Joe's second shot at absolute bliss. He did well,  I must say, those Romans sure did know how to spend a Thanksgiving day.

A bottle of Prosecco, a few slices of great bread (we buy it by the slice from a local alimentary where Yolanda, the shopkeeper knows us and how limited our Italian language skills are), some truffle-laced cheese from our friend Luca, topped with his truffle honey (I used to very much not like truffles but I am getting somewhat used to them and even starting to like the taste) and we're having our own aperitivo before the eggplant parmigiana that I prepared in advance goes into the forno.  Our Thanksgiving celebration.  We have soooooooo much for which to be thankful and we try to reflect on that each and every day, but somehow, right now, we're really, really feeling bless ggrateed and we truly are grateful.

To all, a happy Thanksgiving. And, Good Pilgrims, a safe and meaningful journey, wherever that may be.

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