Monday, November 11, 2019

Pizza and Cappuccino

Were I writing a situation comedy about Americans who visit Italy, I would have nailed it.

This morning, we were enjoying a cappuccino and sharing, I must say, one incredibly delicious Nutella-stuffed coronetto when all of a sudden the quiet was interrupted by a flourish of all I can describe as a walking-talking What-the-Hell!!!  We nearly fell off our seats.

Entering the small cafe was a little group of women....five of them to be precise.  The first wave came in and stepped up to the counter where the pizza was displayed, loudly gesticulating.We started to chuckle and nearly slid off our seats in, what? Embarassment? Total shock and disbelief?  And then.....we heard a voice....oh boy, did we ever hear it.....


Up to the counter she went, totally un-fazed, totally not even TRYING to be discreet or "polite" or, in fact, anything that could fit into a guide book on Italian cafe etiquette.  She met up with her friends, also, we found out, members of the tour group from the U.S., and so, so ready to conquer it all.  The waitress, we noted, had a smile on her face that was wider than anything I have ever seen on a waitress face. She was amused and now, so were we....

"Give me an espresso and pour some of that stuff in it...yeah, sambuca, just pour it in!"

"And I'll have some pizza and I am paying for her and her and her....."

With each of her orders - her very loud orders to the barista, we also smiled wider and wider.  Finally, I had to ask..."Are you from New York?"

She: "Yes I am from the BRONX, Tremont Avenue. I live in Kentucky now"

Me:  "My father was a cop, on the 4-3, I know Tremont Avenue!"

Friend:  "Guess how many kids she has!"

Me:  I have no idea.

She:  "Fourteen. All with the same husband of thirty years"

Holy Cow!

Turns out that this was her first-ever trip to Italy, she's Italian American and she was loving every last bit of it. There is nothing this lady wanted to miss.

You know, I've been to Italy many times.  I love all things Italian (er, most of them - I can give you a list of those things that I do NOT like as easily as those I do).  I suddenly realized how jaded I have become.  My new pal from the Bronx was a little angel who's entrance into the cafe was a reminder to me of how very, very exciting it can be to travel to a place that, in giving birth to 14 babies, one may not ever have envisioned.  She's in Italy. She wants it all and she's going to make sure she gets it all.

So, for this morning, it was pure joy watching a fellow American getting it all, all at once.  It was a thrill to be part of the scene.

Pizza and cappuccino...together?  Why the hell not? Enjoy Italy my friend and take it all in!!!

To Life!

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