Saturday, February 11, 2017

Forward, March.....

After a long absence, Winter is back.  We had our first major snowfall and I have spent lots of time indoors, getting projects that have been on a back burner,  done.  I'm nesting.  Feels like I'm awaiting the first pangs of labor, heralding the bigger wave and eventual arrival of a baby that I nurtured within myself for nine months.  When I actually did birth babies, I always knew that soon they would be arriving because of my sudden spurts of uber-activity.  We didn't even know the word "uber" back then, but let me tell you, scrubbing grout in a bathroom with a toothbrush surely would define the word now.  This time, it is not a baby.....but it probably weighs as much as a whole nursery filled with them.  This time, I am readying for my next big life-changing event and I have a date!  Finally.

The phone call was basically anti-climatic.

"I'm calling to schedule your surgery"

The date, mutually consented.....Tuesday, February 28th.  The time to be determined later, as in the day before.

Instructions have arrived in the mail.

This coming Tuesday, Valentine's Day, is the last "class".  It's called "NURSE EDUCATOR" class and Joe will accompany me.  It's the down-and-dirty session where all questions will be answered, making it very real and hopefully, not scary.  My surgeon has already met with me and soothed me with his candor and confidence.  According to him, the show will all be over in thirty minutes.  I'm assuming that he means thirty minutes of his time.  I know I will be pre-occupied in the O.R. for longer than that.  Thirty minutes and hopefully, a lifetime of distorted self-image will disappear forever.

Next week, I will "diet" in earnest.  No, I will not have the Last Supper every day from now until the 28th.  That's not a particularly good idea.  The smaller my liver is, the happier my surgical team will be.  March will be a time of peculiar ups and downs.  Lose weight now.  Gain 10 to 20 pounds in thirty minutes due to surgery. Lose weight again.  One year later, see a weight gain, it's expected. Okay, one step at a time.

I will update after the Nurse class.  Seems funny tho.  I'm a nurse and I've been an educator.  Hmmmm.  Maybe there's a career opportunity ahead.  If I'm starting a new life, I'll still be young enough.  Right?  Hmmmm.

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