Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Walk, Walk, and Walk Some More

Phil, feeding Phil..........

Following our walking tour and lunch yesterday, we did what all self-respecting teams of young adults and senior citizens do, we came back to our apartment and took a rest. Well, at least the younger part of our team did.  If you know me, you know that I have a rather high level of energy and rarely get tired. Sleep is not something that I need or do with ease or joy.
In case you're wondering, my sleep habits abroad mirror those at home. Nuff said.

The afternoon mission was to find some of the highly recommended places that dear, sweet, but oftentimes silly-boyish Philip Rosenthal, points out in his Netflix Series entitled "Somebody Feed Phil".  In the Lisbon episode, Phil takes viewers to the large, modern Time Out Lisbon Market and he enthusiastically (in his silly-boyish style) devours the country's famous pastry (you see these EVERYwhere in Lisbon), pastel da nada or, in multiples, pasteis da nata or, little custard tarts that make one cry with delight unless you are on Weight Watchers (as I usually am and will be very much but that's next week.....)

The walk to the market brought us through some interesting neighborhoods which on our return, we savored more. But, the market itself left me unimpressed.  I've been to Time Out Markets in Boston, New York and Florence and can honestly say that if you've seen one, you've seen them all.  Yes, the foods are different in each, but the ambiance is the exact same and I find it way too confusing with the vast array of little take-away restaurants.  While there are lots of tourists here, Lucy and I have remarked to each other many times about the fact that there aren't many "crowds" and there's a lot of space to be enjoyed. The Market, not so much. And, sadly, the one place that I wanted to target, the tinned seafood vendor that Phil highlighted, might be gone.  Not to worry. Tinned seafood is a big Portuguese specialty and not that hard to find. Price is exorbitant so I'm hoping Joe won't hold me to my promise of a few cans. We did try a  can of sardines that we found in a shop nearby, and while it was tasty it certainly was not worth 15 euros! My grilled sardine sushi tonight was a hard one to beat. At least that is what I thought until I had my sea bass sushi rolls and decided that they were the best thing I have ever eaten. In my entire life. 

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