Saturday, August 17, 2013

The Rug Doctor

That big day is here again!  It's the one that comes at least twice a year.  The one that causes me to sit and stare. Befores and afters.  It's the morning of the evening before the morning of the ooohs and aaahs and thank you so much Honey for doing that.  It was so badly needed.  I didn't know how much we needed it. That is.....until.....I see the first full container of filthy, dirty, brackish water being dumped from the rented object of my deepest affection, The Rug Doctor.

It seems like just yesterday that I was doing this dance, singing the joyful chorus to the big, bulky, orange colored machine and the strong, loving husband who shared my need for clean and took it on.  But, the need to do it again so soon was accelerated when I ever so gently hit my coffee-mug-filled hand on the back of the desk chair a week or two ago.  It was a slow motioned, brilliantly executed maneuver.  It was like watching the opening of a Stanley Kubrick film or a documentary on the Milky Way Galaxy.  Particulate of coffee, flying into space, falling on a radius that exceeded an "oh shit!" and earned a full fledged "fuck, fuck, fuck!" as I followed my nemesis from careless start to horrific finish.  The coffee spots, what seemed like hundreds of them, ranged in size, the smaller ones on the outside radius, the largest, I mean really large one, right at my feet. Dark. Wet. Dripping down the sides of the beloved piece of  furniture that was in the upper range of target.  I tried, really tried, to make it all disappear.  I blotted, scrubbed and scrubbed some more over the course of the next week.  I did not ask for help, even though I knew that Joe would be more than willing. He's some kind of god and never as cute as when he utters the words "I'm glad I wasn't the one who did that Lynn". Once in a while, he gets to do just that.

So today is the perfect summer day for getting the job done.  No humidity.  Not too hot. Joe's in his glory.  Not that he particularly enjoys hard physical work after the physical work he does so well all week long. But, we do share the love of a clean carpet and we also love that affirming moment when, during the process of emptying the intake water container, we can turn to each other and say, with love in our eyes....."gee, Hon,what do dirty people do?"

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