At first, I welcomed the changes that the arrival of a global pandemic brought. After all, we thought it was going to be a short shot, that in a few weeks, Covid will have come and gone and we would have been well over it and all of its consequences by early Spring. I distinctly recall our nation's "leader" giving his opinion and he stated that "by Easter" this "thing" would be gone. He was surrounded by people who, we assumed were giving him scientific advice on an hourly basis. He had resources, brilliant and trusted resources. He had an assigned place on the leadership team of the world's most influential country. And, he blew it. He blew it so badly that instead of taking pride in my American residency, I hang my head in shame and shake my head in disbelief and wonder each and every day about how this person has not been taken out of the White House and into a mental health facility for treatment. But, that's his problem. Mine, the result of his lack of leadership, his racist, sexist, immoral and downright ignorant missives during a time when he should have been upright, honest, empathetic and moral, isn't going away. I don't play golf, I can't escape to a bunker, I can't ignore what is around me. I can't lie and tell people that I am not an American. I don't believe in mantras. I don't believe in America and I would be happy to take the advice of those people who are still foolish enough to enjoy the leadership of a madman and yell to people like myself...."America! Love it or leave it!". I don't love it and I can't even leave it now. He's spun a new web around us. We're on a list. A short and embarrassing assortment of countries who, God knows how long,will not be allowed to enter Europe or even Canada.
This man, this insane person in the White House, this Trump, has totally taken us down with him. This evil monster who duped people into thinking that he had a plan to "make America great again", has done what so many (thank you God), others had predicted he would. He's made America the laughing stock of the entire world. No, America is not great. America is weak and Americans have suffered more than their share during the Pandemic and will continue to suffer from the effects of a virus that won't quit and a weak and ignorant president who has destroyed more lives than any pathogen could possibly have.
So, go Mr President, go play golf, go shoot off your large and un-attractive mouth. Go about your business of looking at yourself in your mirror of deception and go about your business of insulting people of intelligence and belittling people who are smart enough to know how smart you are not. Go ahead and destroy any glimmer of hope that we may have while you continue to hope for re-election instead of humbling yourself and getting the job of uniting your country. Go ahead and alienate world leaders, call them names, deny your involvement in their evil deeds. Go ahead and think you're God. I have news for you. You're not. But, I will give you credit for something. THE God did speak about you. In fact, you are a fairly popular guy. If you don't believe me, look it up. I've provided you with a list of references. the Bible, by the way, is not simply a prop for a photo-op, a bad photo at that.
Or just google false gods.
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