Friday, March 24, 2023


It's somewhat hard to believe that in a country which is home to the most incredible architecture and is the seat of world civilization, achieving an internet connection in one uniquely modern apartment has been so difficult.

I had promised myself and a host of friends back home, updates, blogs, interesting stuff. But, since our arrival on Tuesday morning, a slow and difficult connection to the wifi has made that virtually impossible. I do have a journal book and a pen. How provincial of me. But good thing. I actually have been doing a lot of writing, just not blogging on the Web. How modern...."blogging".....what the heck does it mean anyway? Just so you know, the term belongs to a system of "discreet" "informal" online "diary-keeping". Forget about seeing pictures. At least not for the time being. That's asking way too much of my connection!

We're back in Italy. In Rome. In Prati, a heart-stealing, incredibly lovely area of the Eternal City which spans across a chunk of the River Tiber. Meaning, there are lots of bridges which cross over from this part, tourist-free and very much like New York's Upper East Side (Italian style), to Rome's Centro, the part of Rome that the tourists eat with a spoon.  The part that we have visited many times. But Prati is new to us and we have commended ourselves more than once on how well we chose for the first two weeks of what will be a very long Italian stay for us, our longest so far. 

So, we have walked at least ten miles a day since our arrival on Tuesday morning after a flawless flight in some very nice airline seats. Hey, you don't turn 75 every year! We visited all the hot spots, saw many more tourists than we normally see (most of our Roman adventures have been in the off-season) and have counted our blessings as we returned to our modern and chic apartment known as "Industrial" on Via Fornovo.  Quiet. Prati is home to the Italian judicial system. The area is swarming with attorneys we're told. 

I will try to keep up my on-line "diary" and hope for internet access. Now, if I could only speed up the washing machine cycle and figure out how to use the conduction cooktop stove....

Yes, I do cook, grocery shop, do laundry and do basic housework in Italy. Please don't tell me to eat pasta every day in a local trattoria.  We're here to live our Italian life and we enjoy each and every minute of feeling completely stupid most of the time!!!

La dolce vita.

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