I could not have said it better than I said it. Every morning, I push out an email to a group of my women-neighbors. I'm up at the crack of dawn and this vehicle allows me to get my wheels turning, to get my writing mo-jo into full swing and the feedback tells me that it is viewed as something to which a lot of the recipients look forward as they start their own days. I try to be informative, to engage others, and to add some levity to the mix as we continue along our way and try to keep our sanity during this incredibly insane time. The past two days have been especially stressful with the President showing the entire world how much in need he is of a psychiatric evaluation. His attempt to cover up yet another of his grave errors in judgment, with telling us that his "disinfection" idea was one that he said in "sarcasm" isn't being bought. Sarcasm? At a time when hundreds of thousands of lives are being ripped apart, thousands and thousands of people dying, a whole world turned upside down and backwards? Not.
I digress. What I want to do here is just post my email from this morning. I'm not going to write another word today. I am confused. Never mind the big picture, confused about how and why we are subject to the daily blows to our intelligence from the White House. I'm confused about the local level as well. The keys to our survival. The essentials and non-essentials. So here it is.
5. Capabilities Farm. Pat told us that it was easy. She ordered, Drove up. Got her stuff. But Pat,what did you get? How did you know what they had? Help! I'm just looking for marigold seeds, some plants eventually, and some damned soil - which I still don't know if I am getting from Agway
I digress. What I want to do here is just post my email from this morning. I'm not going to write another word today. I am confused. Never mind the big picture, confused about how and why we are subject to the daily blows to our intelligence from the White House. I'm confused about the local level as well. The keys to our survival. The essentials and non-essentials. So here it is.
I don't know about you, but I am beginning to feel like the Howdy Doody Show when it comes to making local purchases. It ain't easy!
Maybe it's me. But I can't seem to navigate my way through some of the things people are telling me that they can. Everything seems a bit dead-ended. I really, really want to support our locals. I honestly believe that they will be our only hope sooner than we'd like to admit. I keep trying.
For instance, here are some of my personal experiences:
- Tried a dinner order from the Royal on Wednesday. Constant busy signal

2.Called Kender and Sisters for a morning pastry order yesterday around 9:15 and got their recorded answer - "Thanks for calling Firestarters. Our hours are 4 to...... Don't leave a message." I found out later that yes, they were open. STEP ONE, change your phone message when you switch over from evening business to morning business!

3. I left a message on the Agway site, trying now to order some garden boots for volunteer work at Bray Farm. I know they are busy, but how do I know my order didn't just go to the moon? They advise against calling to check. Last week, we ordered some soil, got a phone call and that was the end of the story. No soil yet to be seen.

- 4.How the heck are you supposed to order from Dennis Public Market? I tried and I consider myself fairly savvy when it comes to technology but really? First of all, it appears that you have to download a form, fill it in, scan it and then email it to them. What?? How are the "elderly" going to figure this out? Good luck.

5. Capabilities Farm. Pat told us that it was easy. She ordered, Drove up. Got her stuff. But Pat,what did you get? How did you know what they had? Help! I'm just looking for marigold seeds, some plants eventually, and some damned soil - which I still don't know if I am getting from Agway
Keep on Keeping! LG

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