Sunday, March 29, 2020


One of the (and there are many) blessings that has come forth during this Pandemic is a re-visiting of some ancient arts.  Of those that had been hidden deepest in our past is the ancient art of verbal and written communication.  I daresay, my grandchildren are totally unfamiliar with what we used to call "telephones" and forget about "note paper" and "cards".  Their world, as they "knew" it, did not include old traditions and now, they are perhaps getting a glimpse of the world in which Nonni and Nonno grew up in.  They're probably feeling shocked and lost but a reality is a reality no matter how one tries to repaint the picture.

Reaching out and making a phone call feels so good.  I'm hearing from friends and neighbors that they have reconnected with people from all parts of the country and I don't mean via FaceBook.  People are making concerted efforts at learning technology that has allowed for real social contact, seeing faces of people on computer and phone screens and hearing voices on the phone, even if only to talk about the current situation.  Hopefully, we will move on to talk about current feelings, about love and friendship and peace and joy.  Eventually, we will settle into our new normal and talk about the horrors will fade purely out of boredom. We're human, after all, and the feelings of unity, peace and love, will distance just as they did following the World Trade Center events.  Sad, but true.

I have some old, disconnected phones here in the house.  One, I keep in the living room. I put it there after reading about the Phone On The Wind booth that was constructed in Provincetown. I haven't been there to use it.  My plans to do so were short-circuited by the current situation.

I don't have a phone booth. Just an old blue Princess phone.  I've kept it there for the day I will call my mother and,  taking all the time that is needed, I tell her about the Pandemic of 2020, from Day One of my own personal recollection.  I will talk to her just as I did when she was alive and well, as if seven plus years have not flown by since our last Earthly conversation.  Then, I will listen. Carefully. Just as I did during those endless daily phone exchanges.  Agree or disagree, I will hang on every word, having the wisdom that I now own due to so many of her words.  She was wise and intuitive.  She would have done very well during this crisis.  I can almost predict what she would have said, for instance about the rise in the population that we are now experiencing due to people not taking the need to remain at home, their own home, seriously.  She put the words in my mouth at the moment it was announced that schools were closing and parents were working from home. "The cases will start to multiply here and people will think that the Cape is a safer place, forgetting that we have but two hospitals". Oh, there are so many similar conversations and so much wisdom. I just know that the day has come for that conversation.

It's Sunday, the "Family Day" of so long ago. An ancient ritual. A beautiful memory.
So, today, I will grab a glass of wine, cuddle up on the sofa that she and my father purchased for their very first home, and pick up the phone.

Here's how I am going to start......."God did not do this TO us.  He did it FOR us, don't ya think?"

I will let you know her answer and if you're smart, you will hang on every word.

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